And whatever you ask in prayer, you will receive, if you have faith. Matthew 21:22
This weekend Pastor Rob’s sermon ‘By Faith‘ will include testimony from his wife Ruslana and her story about Faith in the Soviet Union.
Afterwards on Sunday, stay for our All-Church Prayer Gathering – come and pray for our country, community and for each other. Pray for comfort, healing and for God’s grace and forgiveness for this very fallen world we live in.
Service Times:
Saturday- 4:00pm
Sunday- 10:00am
Children’s Church
Sunday- 10:00am
Cedar Creek Kids Corner – September 25th
This week our kids will review the story of Joseph by combining classes for a special movie clip showing of “Joseph: The King of Dreams.” We will eat popcorn and discuss the movie as we go.
Thank you Cedar Creek for supporting our Children’s Ministry however we are still in need for volunteers!
For Children’s Ministry questions and/or enrollment information please email Jaime Branham:
Electronic Tithing via PayPal
Honor the Lord with your wealth and with the first fruits of all your produce– Proverbs 3:9
You can now electronically tithe to CCCC by transferring money though PayPal. It’s free, fast, easy and secure!
Here is the link:
All-Church Prayer Gathering: This Sunday after service
Church Pot-Luck Picnic & Barn Jam: Sunday October 2nd (11:30am – 3:00pm)
Once again, we welcome everyone to come out and listen to our wonderful worship band while enjoying food, fellowship and fun! Please bring any un-churched friends and/or family members – there is plenty of room for everyone!
~ Bring a dish to pass and a chair ~
Family Sharing – Sunday October 2nd
Stuffing Mix
Corn Bread Mix
Pudding & Jello (also sugar free)
Peanut Butter
Feminine products
Thank you!
Spaghetti Dinner: October 22nd at CCCC (5:00pm – 7:00pm)